Success Stories


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Single – Age Range: Over 50’s - Income Range $60k or less

Occupation: Duty Manager

Our client came to us because she felt that her financial situation was out of control and she needed help staying on track and achieving her goal of reducing her debt. Prior to undertaking the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) our client was decreasing her debt by an average of $45 per month or $550 annually.

In the first year on the program she decreased her loan by an amazing $26,076, as a result she feel much better about her financial situation.  She sold her house in Blackwood and moved to Oakbank, also injecting extra money into superannuation and went on to renovating her new home.

She explained that after her first year with our Financial Coaching Plan, she not only gained the control that she was looking for but also realised that our system will continue to keep her on track and enables her to make the best decisions with managing her money, creating wealth and obtaining her goals.

Loan repayment term before FCP:
24 Years 2 Months
Loan repayment term with the FCP:
15 Years 11 Months
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Single – Age Range: 40’s - Income Range $50k or $100k

Occupation: Airline Services Operator – Catering

This client came to us because he had a real desire to achieve his goals of building an investment property portfolio but just couldn’t stay on track. Prior to undertaking the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) our client was decreasing his debt by an average of $291 per month or $3,500 annually.

In his first year on the FCP our client not only achieved renovations of his investment property totaling $11,446 but also reduced his home loan by a fantastic $4,288! (A total that would have come off his debt of $15,734.) 

In his second year on the FCP our client decreased his loan by an amazing $19,179 and wants to continue building his investment property portfolio. Our client renewed with us for his third year as he believes it helps him keep on "the straight and narrow", and he is now making his money work for him.

Loan repayment term before FCP:
17 Years 9 Months
Loan repayment term with the FCP:
8 Years 5 Months
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For over 20 years, we have specialised in working with our clients to help them manage their money at a high level, pay off their debts in incredible times, and at the same time almost all of our clients have felt like they have actually improved their lifestyle, despite spending less.

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