Success Stories


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Couple - Age Range: 20’s - Individual Income Range: $50 to $100k

Administration Assistant & Supermarket Manager - no children

Our clients' goal before coming to the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) was to save enough money for a deposit on a house. Our clients had moved in with their parents with the intention to save enough money for a home deposit within 18 months, however when they joined the FCP, they had been living there for three years, had about $7,000 in debt, and had only saved $10,000.

In less than four months of joining the FCP, they paid off all their debt, and within nine months, they had increased their savings to $27,000 and commenced the process of purchasing a block of land.​

After the first 12 months our clients have now saved $40,000 towards their home ownership goal. As they move in their second year with us, and following a re-evaluation of their goals, they are also planning an exciting overseas trip and a wedding. This has all been due to their coach assisting them to bring out their newfound focus and creativity. They are very excited that their goals are now coming to life, so quickly after joining the programme.

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Couple - Age Range: 40’s - Income Range: $50 to $100k

Lecturer & Greengrocer - no children

Our client's original goal before coming to the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) was to renovate their property, sell it and purchase a farm turning it into a B&B and Stud Beef cattle enterprise within 5 years. Prior to undertaking the FCP our clients were decreasing their debt by an average of $307.16 per month or $3,685 annually. On one hand they wanted to believe they were on the right track however on the other hand they were not able to find the funds to complete the renovations on their property and achieve their dreams.

So it was fast becoming a non event. In the first year on the FCP our clients completed the renovations on their home totalling $67,535 and only increased their debt by $12,791. An amazing result!!! Our clients were extremely happy, not only with the results but with the entire Program, as well as the motivation and support provided by us. They stated it was “…….amazing that we spent $67,535 on our renovations and yet our overall debt only went up by $12,791. That mean we effectively paid $54,744 off our mortgage!"

In the second year on the FCP our clients completed further renovations on their property totalling $32,000, sold and purchased their dream farm in Meadows.

They not only accomplished this but also:

  • Celebrated a 40th birthday costing $2,500

  • Purchased a new car worth $8,000

  • Began to develop the farm and purchased a tractor, cattle yards, fencing, pasture improvements and other expenses totaling $40,000

Our clients are happy that their dream has happened much sooner than they ever anticipated. They are now registered as business clients and and are now expanding their goals as they continue to work on their wealth creation plan.

Loan repayment term before FCP:
11 years and 1 month
Loan repayment term with the FCP:
2 years and 7 months
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Couple - Age Range: 20’s - Combined Income Range: $100 to $150k

Occupational Therapist & Doctor

Our clients original goals before coming to the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) were to pay for their wedding, a honeymoon, finish off studies and set up a practice, purchase an investment property, a new car and to have children. Prior to coming on board with us on the FCP our clients were decreasing their debt by an average of $356 per month or $4,279 annually. What a fantastic first years result on the FCP.

 Our clients achieved many of their goals totalling $55,853 and only increased their debt by $13,451:

  • Had their wedding and honeymoon ($11,591)

  • Purchased an investment property (deposit $24,262)

  • Purchased a new car ($20,000)

Not only were our clients surprised and very pleased with their results, they believed that the FCP had provided them with much more awareness and understanding of money, allowing them to communicate more with each other on a financial level.

Second year on the FCP.

Our client’s goals have now grown to include a holiday, an investment property, starting a family on one income, and their ‘dream home’. Not only have they achieved many of these goals but they have also reduced their personal debt by a fantastic $39,047.

Goals achieved:

  • Purchased another investment property

  • Had holidays in the Barossa Valley, Melbourne and Perth

  • Finished studies

They are renewing for their third year, as they believe the motivation and accountability of the coaching program has been the main reason for them achieving their results.

Loan repayment term before FCP:
21 Years 5 Months
Loan repayment term with the FCP:
11 Years
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Couple - Age Range: 30’s - Combined Income Range: $80 to $110k

Photographer & Project Manager

Our clients original goals before coming to the FCP (Financial Coaching Program were to renovate and landscape their home so that they could sell it and buy/build a new home, a holiday to Europe, start a family and purchase a family car.  They also wanted to have annual holidays interstate and to purchase an investment property within 5 years. Prior to coming to us and undertaking the FCP our clients decreased their debt by an average of $152.80 per month or $1,833 annually.

First year on the Financial Coaching Program

During their first year our clients reduced their mortgage by an awesome $18,893, which was an exceptional result as they also achieved the following goals:

  • Built-in’s installed, car repairs, garden landscaping and a 30th Birthday party ($12,980)

  • Holiday to Port Douglas ($4,000)

They stated that they were really pleased with the results and had come a long way from where they started, living from pay to pay.

Second year on the Financial Coaching Program

This year our clients achieved more of their goals when their first child was born and they also purchased a new car ($15,000) and finished their landscaping (1,200) – all on one wage and only increasing their loan by $20,224.  What a great result! They stated that the benefits of the coaching program relieved them of the constant stress that they previously had with bills coming in. They also believed they would never have been able to start a family and keep their finances under control on one wage, prior to coming onto the program, nor have been able to purchase a new family car.

Third year on the Financial Coaching Program

Our clients renewed for the third year and reduced their home loan by an amazing $27,377 and also had holidays to Sydney and Melbourne as well. Their mindsets have changed dramatically as they are now aware of how to control their finances and are very proactive towards setting new goals. They have renewed for the 4th year.

Loan repayment term before FCP:
23 Years
Loan repayment term with the FCP:
8 Years 7 Months
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For over 20 years, we have specialised in working with our clients to help them manage their money at a high level, pay off their debts in incredible times, and at the same time almost all of our clients have felt like they have actually improved their lifestyle, despite spending less.

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