Our Client's original goals before coming to us were to learn how to spend money more wisely, find another source of income through investments, complete home renovations and have holidays with the family. Prior to undertaking the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) our clients increased their debt by an average of $3,498.39 per month or $41,980 annually.
In the first year on the Program our clients decreased their mortgage by $3,018 which was a fantastic result as that was a $44,998 turn around, and they also achieved the following goals:
A holiday to Queensland ($3,000)
Completed renovations ($4,000)
They were ecstatic with the results and couldn’t believe that they could have such a turnaround in 12 months. Although the first few months had been difficult, with the benefit of our FCP they now knew exactly which areas led to their impulsive spending and were becoming meticulous and accountable with their finances.
In the second year on the Program our clients decreased their mortgage by $6,849 which was another great result as they also achieved the following goals totaling $7,068:
Had a family holiday ($1,132)
Landscaped their home ($2,936)
Upgraded their children’s rooms ($1,400)
Sent one child to private school ($1,600)
Our client's were very pleased with this result as they had doubled what they had achieved the previous year and stated that withthe help of our program they were now more structured and accountable and they liked watching their mortgage decrease!
During the third year on the Program our clients reduced their mortgage by $16,509 which is an outstanding result as they have also achieved further goals of:
Purchasing their first investment property
Purchasing a new television ($1,400)
Several family weekend holidays ($1,000)
They are stunned at what they have achieved with us in a few years and now that they have control of previous impulsive spending, are on their way to achieving wealth through investment properties. They have also renewed on the coaching program for the coming year.
Before coming to us the client's original goals were to go on an overseas holiday, reduce the mortgage, plan for a family and purchase an investment property. Prior to undertaking the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) our clients increased their debt by an average of $1,342 per month or $16,111 annually.
Due to their overspending habits, they had also accumulated several credit card debts totalling $16,100 and were now feeling overwhelmed by their finances. In the first year on the Program our clients achieved two major goals, while only increasing their loan by $10,793 which is an outstanding result!
Overseas holiday - $12,000
Purchased their first investment property
They commented that with the help of our FCP they now have a better understanding of how their money worked, and couldn’t believe they had achieved so much already and were reneweed for the 2nd year. They were at this time planning to have a family and cutting back to one income and needed the guidance and the discipline of the FCP Management to keep them from getting financially out of control ever again.
In the second year on the Money Management Program:
The birth of their baby girl
Went down to 1 income (a drop of $20,000 annually) very easily
AND they also reduced their loan by a further $14,337 due to discipline, focus and determination never to go backwards again!
Our clients have renewed for the 3rd year stating that the major benefits of FCP were, apart from achieving their goals, they can now sleep at night, with peace of mind, something that had literally never happened before.
Before coming to us the client's original goals were to renovate their property, have some holidays, purchase at least 1 investment property and perhaps purchase a new car, if possible. Prior to undertaking the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) our clients were decreasing their debt by an average of $171.75 per month or $2,061 annually.
They believed that this was a good result however found that they never had enough money to complete any of their goals. In the first year on the Program they achieved many of their original goals already totaling $44,077 and only increased their debt by $10,486. This is an amazing result!!!
Goals achieved were:
Partially completed the renovations to their home $40,525
Purchased their first investment property (business related)
Long awaited dream of a holiday to Queensland $3,552
Our clients advised that with the FCP and our ongoing support they have gained clarity with their expenses and they are looking forward to the coming year to see what else they can accomplish! In the second year on the Program our client’s achieved all of their original goals along with adding the desire to learn more about investments... and they have achieved all of them:
Completed renovations $8,686
Traded existing car in on new car $3,339
Finished two property courses $8,700
They have renewed for the third year, as they feel that we give them clarity and control over their financial lives. They are now focusing on increasing their investment portfolio to at least 10 properties in the coming 5 years, plus a dream holiday overseas.
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