Before coming to us their original personal goals were to landscape their garden, purchase a rainwater tank and have their plumbing fixed. Their business goals included purchasing a new trainer car for their business, perhaps two if possible. Prior to undertaking the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) our clients were decreasing their debt by an average of $173.31 per month or $2,079 annually. They did not have any clarity in relation to their personal and business expenses and were feeling out of control with their spending.
First year on the Financial Coaching Program
Our clients in their first year with us, gained clarity and control over the impact that their business was making on their personal lives, particularly as it had been running consistently at a loss for 6 years. With help of our coaches, boundaries have now been put into place and as a result they have not only decreased their mortgage by $1,124, but have also achieved some goals already:
Purchased a new training car $17,200
Paid back business loans totalling $2,349
Employed a sub contractor/driver to assist with the instruction process
They were surprised that their lifestyles had actually improved and that they didn’t have to worry about how they were going to pay bills anymore! Note: If they didn’t complete these goals then they would have effectively paid $20,673 off their mortgage!
Second year on the Financial Coaching Program
Our clients during the 2nd year with us, decreased their mortgage by $3,722 which is an excellent result as they have also achieved goals of re-landscaping their garden ($12,235) and a holiday for the first time in 3 years! ($4,235). Note: If they didn’t complete these goals then they would have effectively paid $20,192 off their mortgage! They have also achieved goals in their business that they had never thought possible before and have only increased their loan by $6,025, great result!
Launched their first business website
Employed four more sub-contractor/drivers
Organised signage for their car fleet
They are renewing for their third year with us, and their business goal is to have a fleet of 20 driving instructors by the end of the year to provide them with a better lifestyle for their family.
Before coming to us, their original goals included an investment portfolio comprising of 10 investment properties, a Cruise holiday, begin a family, pay off their mortgage and increase their business to include another venue. Prior to undertaking the FCP (Financial Coaching Program) our clients were decreasing their debt by an average of $1,553.10 per month or $18,637 annually, which was an excellent result however they wanted to achieve more.
First year on the Financial Coaching Program
Our clients have not only reduced their loan by $41,652 with us (Awesome!) but have ALSO achieved the following goals:
Purchased Shares portfolio ($19,580)
Paid for the Cruise holiday ($4,000)
Purchased two investment properties
Note: If they didn’t complete these goals then they would have effectively paid $65,232 (plus the costs to purchase 2 investment properties) off their mortgage!
From a business level with us, during this year our clients have:
Purchased another franchise for a new Gym
Exceeded expectations of profit due to new strategies put in place by *Asset101
They are astounded at the results to date and are now very keen to achieve their goal of purchasing 10 investment properties in two years and growing this goal to 40 properties within the next ten years. Our coaching team provided them with very clear guidelines on how to achieve their desired results, and they have exceeded their own expectations and have renewed for the 2nd Year.
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